Please visit our platform for the most up-to-date list and details of current opportunities. Refer to the appropriate tabs above for more information on the below programs.
As of December 2024, current opportunities in New York State include:
National Grid is looking to procure Non-Wires Alternatives (NWA) solutions for their New Krumkill Substation in the Albany area.
National Grid has made significant changes to their approach for procuring NWAs, including:
We encourage interested participants, including DR and DER developers, aggregators, operators, and owners, to review the RFP documents, watch the webinar recordings and slides found below in Materials, and register on Piclo Flex.
Participants must submit company and asset information, and submit their price bids on Piclo Flex in order for their offers to be evaluated by National Grid. If you are unable to complete the bid process using the Piclo Flex platform, please reach out to and
All RFP materials can be found below:
Please refer to this file for all questions that have been submitted, and their answers. You can submit your questions until January 27, 2025, by emailing
Follow the below steps to participate in NWAs:
National Grid is seeking resources for its Dynamic Load Management (DLM) Program. More details below:
We encourage interested participants, including DR and DER developers, aggregators, operators, and owners, to review the RFP documents, watch the webinar recordings and slides found below in Materials, and register on Piclo Flex.
Any questions on or technical issues with submitting a proposal before the deadline should be promptly directed to
All RFP materials can be found below:
View Q&A responses here for all questions that have been submitted, and their answers. You can submit your questions until January 8, 2025, by emailing
Follow the below steps to participate in Term-DLM and/or Auto-DLM:
Please visit the press releases for more information:
If you have any questions or need any help, please send an email to
We are compiling frequently asked questions and will publish them soon.
Business Partners - Discover information for trade partners and professionals, energy supply companies, suppliers and vendors, and about NWAs and the system data portals.
Suppliers and Vendors - Find everything from how to become a supplier to enrollment for new vendors as well as FAQs, forms, and applications for current vendors and suppliers.
Explore the links below for information specific to each of our jurisdictions.
Interactive mapping tools
Visibility into the electric grid distribution system in National Grid’s service territories:
Massachusetts System Data Portal
State initiatives
Initiatives that engage and enable NWA solutions:
Explore the regulatory landscape.
Access useful dockets and information regarding NWA activities and proposals in each state:
MA Department of Public Utilities
NY Department of Public Service
Tariff provisions
Learn about tariff provisions for each of National Grid’s service territories:
Analyze benefit-cost analysis
BCA information and references relevant to NWA for each state:
Non-Wires Alternative (NWA) is the inclusive term for any electrical grid investment that is intended to defer or remove the need to construct or upgrade components of a distribution and/or transmission system, or “wires investment”.
These NWA investments are required to be cost-effective compared to the wires investment and are required to meet the specified electrical grid need.
An NWA can include any action, strategy, program, or technology that meets this definition and these requirements.
Some technologies and methodologies that can be applicable as an NWA investment include demand response, solar, energy storage, combined heat and power (CHP), microgrid, conservation or energy efficiency measure, and other distributed energy resources (DERs) or distributed generation (DG). NWA projects can include these and other investments individually or in combination to meet the specified need in a cost-effective manner.
To identify potential solutions, National Grid issues requests for proposals (RFPs) which are open to all NWA solution approaches. We encourage potential bidders to consider the following solution approaches when developing a proposal:
Standard solution approach: Solutions that contain a single technology in a single bid proposal.
Portfolio solution approach: Solutions that contain multiple technologies (i.e., solar and storage, targeted demand response and wind, etc.) in a holistic, integrated manner as part of a single bid proposal.
Partial solution approach: Partial solutions that provide a portion of the solution requirements may be considered where National Grid can independently identify other partners to formulate a full solution.
Partnership solution approach: A solution approach where bidders team up as appropriate to offer a multifaceted, multi-bidder solution using multiple technologies as a joint, integrated proposal set, if this would provide the best-value proposition.
The Company may combine multiple, partial Proposals to meet the full need, where a single Proposal alone does not meet the full need, or Bidders could collaborate and submit a combined Proposal, consisting of several partial solutions, that together meet the full need.
National Grid has several long-term goals in consideration, including commitments and environmental considerations stated in the National Grid Responsible Business Charter 20201, which are in alignment with state, federal, and internal drive factors, that impact the viability of any given proposal.
Proposed technologies and methodologies should have the capability to address the electrical grid need and increase grid reliability while being cost-effective in comparison to the wires investment as stated in each RFP. Proposed solutions that meet all the requirements stipulated in an RFP are preferred, by any of the solution approaches detailed above. Please note that National Grid is seeking solutions that currently exist to solve the stated need.